Key Strategies to Securing Application Journeys Across Cloud and Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud Security Challenges and Solutions

June 23, 2023
10:30 AM PT/ 1:30 PM ET


Vince Hwang
Sr. Director, Products and Solutions, Fortinet

Many organizations have pushed to rapidly migrate to cloud to achieve digital acceleration of their business. Unfortunately, moving to the cloud quickly has left many dealing with increased operational and deployment complexities, loss of visibility, and increased security risks, particularly in light of skills and resource gaps.

These organizations are now also realizing that for the best digital acceleration outcomes, their applications should live wherever the most optimal results are achieved. As a result, hybrid cloud will remain a reality for many. And for some, edge compute is becoming an emerging necessity to meet their digital acceleration goals. These alongside side multi-cloud deployments means further amplifying of challenges that organizations are already facing in their application journey to the cloud.

Join us to learn about:

  • What the application journey of today looks like
  • Application journey challenges that can impede digital acceleration
  • How edge compute is becoming an emerging necessity
  • Key considerations for developing a robust and secure digital acceleration strategy
  • How to empower your organization with consistent, secured, and optimized tools to build, deploy, and run cloud applications across all deployments wherever your applications lives

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